Still Waiting
Well, we are still waiting for summer to commence this year, and we issued an advisory prior to Saturday’s surf club that conditions were forecast to be quite lumpy with an onshore wind. Maybe a little off-putting for a novice surfer or a weak swimmer. However, our turnout was a healthy number of juniors keen to test themselves and we had fun challenging the short windblown waves and the washy conditions on the inside. Outback, our advanced surfers had problems to solve to find rippable waves and also to get out again to the green waves through the succession of broken waves faced from the inside. All-in-all it was a valuable morning coming to terms with conditions that were less than ideal, conditions that surfers often face when finding time to get in for a couple of hours! Here are some pictures of the session, and a list of forthcoming dates below .

July 20th
August 3rd
August 17th
August 31st
Sept. 14th
Sept. 28th
General Club News Groms St. Ives Surf School events Surf Club Events