

General Club News Groms Surf Club Events

Heavy rain and a strong North wind greeted our coaches and helpers as we set up on Saturday morning for an 8.30 start. That wind was creating short choppy conditions for our surfers, and a very difficult paddle out for our advanced chargers. We had pre-warned all groups the previous evening that this session would be unlike any experienced so far this season, but attendance was still hearteningly high and we hit the water on time with that can-do attitude that is the foundation of achievement in any sporting life.

I offer some pictures of our endeavours, apologising for the absence of any action from the Sharks, who were out beyond the breakers and invisible from my position at the waters’ edge. Rain and poor light were also hampering photography, so I’m selecting from far fewer shots this week.

Forging Ahead

Forging Ahead

General Club News Groms Surf Club Events

School holidays have arrived and we are forging ahead with our Kids Club season. Conditions for our seventh session were friendly and there was a large turnout of young surfers, all keen to show their chops. Just like learning to ride a bike, repetition and practise is beginning to pay off as our young chargers are developing confident pop-ups and more assured balance on the board. Hopefully the holidays will offer plenty of beach days and waves to develop those burgeoning skills over the next few weeks!



General Club News Groms Surf Club Events

Our sequence of favourable Saturday morning sea conditions continues as we enjoyed pretty perfect surfing conditions for the sixth Kids Club of the season. A gently dropping tide on a warm day brought out our largest attendance so far and our young rippers were keen to take advantage of nature’s bounty. The camera captured some of the fun …

Small Can Be Beautiful

Small Can Be Beautiful

General Club News Groms Surf Club Events

The fifth week of Kids Club met with waves sized ‘nothing to not very much’. Disappointing for the Sharks, Dolphins and our hardboard riders but a chance to shine for the tiny tots and the younger groups who can fashion a ride from the gentlest push. Well, they gave us a show with some delightful rides, and there was even time for a little rafting fun mid-session! Here are some of the scenes we witnessed as the Nemos and Dorys found their feet. And a dolphin headstand demonstrates that the right board can deliver a ride in the smallest of waves. Cheers!

Meeting The Challenge

Meeting The Challenge

General Club News Groms St. Ives Surf School events Surf Club Events

Arriving for our fourth session of the season we were confronted with a tricky challenge. The water was barely back off the high tide bank after a spring tide and there was the remnant of a Northerly swell pushing some lumpy waves into the beach. It promised a difficult paddle to get out back for our more accomplished surfers and some battles on the inside with breaking waves for our younger participants and their helpers. To everyone’s great credit these challenges were met head on, resulting in some fine surfing and with a growing confidence in all groups that we can be comfortable and find suitable waves even in a moody Porthmeor swell. We had a full gamut from the chest-to-head-high waves that the Sharks tackled to the running ankle-slappers on the inside that the Dory and Nemo groups shared. Some of the action is shown below:

Just Right!

Just Right!

General Club News Groms St. Ives Surf School events Surf Club Events

The third session of the season saw the largest turnout to date and enjoyed pretty perfect Kids Club conditions at Porthmeor. The waves were friendly enough for the Nemos and Dorys, yet also offered some peaks and faces for the Sharks to lay down some turns and polish their small wave skills. Our newer instructors are beginning to appreciate the talents of their young charges and are helping them push their techniques to higher levels. All in all, a perfect morning’s surfing for Saints Boardriders! The party wave in the banner picture sums up the relaxed vibe of the day.

Kids Club v Covid v G7

Kids Club v Covid v G7

General Club News Groms Surf Club Events Top Shots

Week two and we are blessed with fine surfing conditions again. Attendance was a little down due to a couple of Covid related scares in some school classes plus the once-in-a-lifetime hazard of road closures and diversions due to the world’s leaders meeting for a G7 summit in Carbis Bay! However, those who were able to get to Porthmeor had a fine old time as witnessed by some of our pictures below. I was particularly impressed by the Sharks group this morning. They were hitting the lip hard and seemed to be competing to see who could pull off the most outrageous layback. Here’s a flavour of the scene, with a random waterborne message concerning the protection of the ocean which passed across the beach during the session.

Kids Club Redux

Kids Club Redux

General Club News Groms Surf Club Events

Twenty months or so after our last Saturday morning gathering we were finally able to get together, reconnect with our junior surfers and get Kids Club 2021 on the road. It was a chilly, misty morning, which may have been a disincentive to some, but those who got to the beach for the session had some peachy low-tide waves to work with and an enthusiastic bunch of coaches and parents to cheer them on. It was great to welcome back some familiar faces and equally to greet some new members and introduce them to the delights of surfing. The pictures below have a flavour of what went down on the morning.

Kids Club 2021

General Club News Groms Surf Club Events

Kids Club membership is fully subscribed for this summer and I list the proposed dates and times below. There will be only a single session of one hour each day so we ask that you arrive early, preferably with the correct money and ready to get in the water. Please be aware that Porthmeor car park is too small to hold all the families we have, so late arrivals will need to find an alternative space.

The dates below are subject to tides, weather, Covid-19 and G7, but we will endeavour to keep as close as possible to the published timetable.

June 5th. 9am

June 12th 9am

June 19th 9.30am

June 26th 9am

July 3rd. 9am

July 10th. 9am

July 24th 9am

August 7th. 8.30am

August 21st. 8.30am

September. 18th. 9am

Agenda for AGM on 6th May 2021

General Club News Surf Club Events

Agenda for 2021 AGM on 6th May at 6pm at Clubhouse

1) Apologies for absence.
2) Minutes of the previous AGM.
3) Matters arising from the minutes of the previous AGM. 4) Chairman’s report.
5) Financial report.
6) Head coach’s report.
7) Retirement of elected officers.
8) Election of new committee posts

i) Chairman ii) Secretary iii) Treasurer

9) Election of further committee members to a total agreed by the meeting. 10) Appointment of Head Coach by new committee
11) Set a date for first meeting of the new committee.
12) Any other business.

Please note that everyone interested in Saintsboardriders is welcome to participate in the meeting but only paid-up adult members can vote.  The meeting will be held in the clubhouse or maybe on the putting green or Porthmeor Beach if the numbers are too great for a Covid-safe meeting indoors. All fully paid up adult members are welcome to participate, those wishing to do so are asked to register by email at [email protected] to allow us to plan a safe event.