Boy it was a hot one! A fierce August sun blazed in a blue blue sky on Sunday afternoon as the club set out it’s stall on the putting green for our first BBQ get-together. Aided by the generous support of St. Ives Co-op, St. Ives Brewery and St. Austell Brewery ( Don’t you just want to be in that number when the saints go marching in! ), and a tray full of sumptuous home-baked cakes from Diane Smith, we welcomed members and public to share our space and the hospitality of the clubhouse. We could delight in the culinary skills of several of our eager committee members who brought their kitchen aprons to the feast and twizzled and sizzled with relish. Parents and children, omnivores and vegetarians were well-fed and watered with the fine food and drink provided. The event was very well supported and earned praise from many as a local initiative, and an opportunity for the curious non-surfers to inspect the clubhouse that the surfers enjoy. It was a rewarding afternoon engaging with fellow members and earning funds for the club from the donations given. Can we do it again before the season is over? Many say we should!
Again we offer thanks to St. Ives Co-op for their gift of the bulk of the food. Both St. Ives Brewery and St. Austell Brewery were generous in their support, and Diane’s cakes and treats were an additional wow factor to the day. Thanks too to Porthmeor Beach for the use of the putting green, and to our committee members for hustling up the BBQ and kit required to make the day such a success. There are a few pics capturing a brief spell from the day below. Thanks to David Newton for those.