The story of our clubhouse, which was last featured here in May 2018, now continues. Construction was placed on hold for summer 2018 and only resumed once the tourist season abated and we had unfettered access to the car park and the site. The story continues now in pictures;
And first, our hall of fame. Five characters who are crucial to the story. These are the lynchpins of the job.

Ryan Neil – Construction manager John Lee
And here’s how the story continued…
The first task on resuming was to erect the upper storey This timber-frame construction shows rapid changes in progress The outlook on the seaward side reveals itself A broad lintel over the patio doors
And now the roof parapet Insulation added Door and glazing installed The principal view is glazed
Once to roof is insulated, the final finishing begins Timber cladding for the clubhouse Capping the parapet will complete the roof The clubhouse floor is in!
Chasing cables First fixes and plastering done Parapet capped Where we sit in the landscape The scaffolding is down Our public-facing side Rendering the ground floor Surf School crew digging the gas supply trench Smooth finish How do we get in? Steps! Sitting pretty now Fitting out the kiosk Here we are!
Pete working on the storeroom steps Nav lends a hand Kitchen installed Nightshift celebrate finishing kitchen Looking tidy now Ready for Kids Club sign-up tomorrow
This story can’t end without me once again thanking our major partners and benefactors in the project:
Here they are, celebrated on a plaque on the building for their contributions to the project. Many, many thanks to one and all!