Saturday 21st of April in The Balcony was the start of the season for many of our younger members as the Kids Club opened for registration for the 2018 season. The crowd had filled the bar long before the 10am sign-up time arrived, and our committee team had a hectic first hour before the flood became a steady stream. Our banner picture features Emma, Luciana and Rebecca manning the desk.

Nav showing clubhouse plans
We were joined on the morning by Lloyd Davies of the RNLI who was recruiting some of our advanced youngsters to a junior lifeguard scheme. He was pleased to report that his target quota for this initial intake was easily filled. Well done in stepping forward kids!

Lloyd outlining the junior lifeguard scheme
Over 140 signed-up to saints boardriders on the day, and there are several more who were unable to make that date but are keen to re-enrol. We also had an enthusiastic take-up of our family membership offers which has proved to be a useful step in our drive to recruit a greater adult membership. All we need now are the waves!